Change Management January 10, 2024

How an employee feedback loop makes your company stronger

Employees are one of the most undervalued sources of company feedback. Rank-and-file staff don’t always have it right. But...

How to develop an onboarding buddy program
Change Management January 9, 2024

How to develop an onboarding buddy program

Why are onboarding buddy programs important_

Bridges Transition Model: An Overview
Change Management January 8, 2024

Bridges Transition Model: An Overview

Change is a constant on the journey towards growth and success, offering numerous opportunities and benefits. However, it can...

8 Best adaptive learning platforms in 2024
Change Management January 4, 2024

8 Best adaptive learning platforms in 2024

An adaptive learning platform uses computer algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) to deliver personalized learning experiences. They tailor lessons,...

Top 10 Best Training Management Systems
Employee Experience January 3, 2024

Top 10 Best Training Management Systems

Learning is essential, but not every organization makes it meaningful to employee experience.  The right training management systems and how they manage, monitor, and create accountability for employee training can directly influence the culture of personal development.  By 2026, e-learning will reach a global market value of USD 400...

Satir Change Model: A Guide For Effective Change Management
Change Management January 2, 2024

Satir Change Model: A Guide For Effective Change Management

Change managers typically grapple with various forms of resistance during organizational change. This resistance can manifest as reluctance to embrace new processes, heated debates, and widespread employee anxiety. The Satir Change Model, conceived by Virginia Satir, a family therapist and author, addresses these challenges. Initially designed for family therapy,...

A complete guide to Nudge Theory for Enterprises
Change Management December 27, 2023

A complete guide to Nudge Theory for Enterprises

Adapting organizational structures, integrating new technologies, and revising operational strategies are more straightforward than encouraging employees to embrace these changes and follow new directives.  The key to successful change initiatives lies in understanding and motivating employees, the most critical element in this process.  Various behavior change theories and models...